Finished Product!

The porch is finished. I had it done a couple weeks ago but never got around to posting pictures. If you recall, our porch used to be two different shades of pink. And if not, go back a few posts and check it out because I don't know how to link it here. :)

From pink to Angel Food Cake and Faded Blue. Please don't judge us by our porch junk

The ceiling took a total of 5 hours to paint: 1 coat primer, 2 coats blue. But well worth it. It's so pretty!

Yeah, yeah, the narsty floor is still there. But hey, it's not surrounded by pink walls anymore!

Porch pictures tomorrow. Os prometo! (I promise!)

Crap I Made

I'm still working on my front porch so in the meantime here's some crap I made from Goodwill finds.

I think I paid around $5 for all eight pieces. Lovely colors, aren't they?

I spray painted all the stands a bronzey color. Then, I hot glued the glass pieces to the tops of the stands.

And there you have it! Awesome crap I made. Made possible by people who donate to Goodwill. Thank you.

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