Effective DIY Skin Care

I confess that I am a makeup and skin care junkie. I have been for many, many years and my employment at DermUs Skin Care has only fueled the flame.

Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom with a 2 month old who poops her way through 10+ diapers a day, I've had to cut out some of my favorite products.

So I'm taking matters into my own hands and making them myself!

Most of the DIY skin care I've tried has been unsuccessful for two reasons:

1.) It aggravates my acne prone skin.
2.) It isn't strong enough.

So I've always thought that those "make it at home" recipes are a sham......until now!

I've found two inexpensive and effective recipes that I love!

But here's a warning: I love aggressive products/methods. If it doesn't "stingle" (sting/tingle) or leave my face red then I feel like it's not working. So these may not necessarily be for you.

Pore Strips/Mask

Super easy to make and really, really cheap, too!

pore strips

This stuff really gets rid of dead skin and even the peach fuzz on your face if you yank if off hard enough.

But don't make the mistake I did!!!

I got it in my eyebrows and without thinking, pulled off a section and ripped out part of my brows--oooops! So, avoid the brow area! :)

Exfoliating Cleanser

When I ran out of my favorite super scrubby cleanser, I took matters into my own hands and made my own. And it's AWESOME!!!

First, I crushed up several aspirin because it's got salicylic acid in it, which is good for oily/acne prone skin.

Then, I mixed that together with some baking soda and filled up my bareMinerals exfoliating cleanser container with this concoction.

So you just wet your face, pour some of the powder into your hand and mix with a little water, and work into your skin.

Viola!! A couple of great things you can do for your skin with stuff that's already in your home!

The Many Faces of Emma: The 2 Month Edition

She's no longer an expressionless cute little blob of baby!

I give you an inventory of Emma's newest facial expressions. 



(funny side note: Joy Behar was blabbing on The View at the same time)

Working on a smile....

....and then a meltdown 15 seconds later

A real smile!

I 'm not sure what was happening here. Any ideas?

We will revisit this in a few more months for more new facial expressions :)

Still making stuff

Trying to find time here and there to be crafty! :)

New 4th of July wreath

Barbie onesie for Emma.

Garage sale canvas paintings upcycled with masking tape and spray paint.

Chalk wall hangings for the living room.

Box for my flip flops so they're not scattered all around the house!

Extra fabric from flip flop box for a summery wreath.

Favorite Things

I've never been much of a baby person.

"Want to hold my baby?"
"I see her fine right there, thank you." :)

And not being much of a baby person means that I really didn't have much of a clue about babies in general. Six weeks in to parenthood and I still don't have much of a clue about babies!!!
But these are the things that are making being a new mom a lot easier for me.

Forty Days and FORTY NIGHTS! Devotions For New Mothers
Easy, relevant devotions for when I feel like freaking out. And sometimes I still do freak out! But at least I have a few quiet moments in the morning.

On Becoming Baby Wise
An awesome book passed on to us from Ben's cousin (well, his cousin's wife, if you want to be all technical). The book is all about parent guided eat/wake/sleep cycles for the baby which leads to your baby sleeping through the night very early on. We love it. Emma started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks. Is it perfect? No. Do we follow it to the letter? No. You still have to use common sense as a parent. But it's a great guide and we're sticking with it. :)

ItzBeen Timer
LOVE THIS THING! I can keep track of diaper changes, feeding times, napping, and when I need to pump next. Makes my days a lot easier to keep track of. :)

This was a gift and it's great. Who has time to dry all those bottles?

Hand-free pumping bra
Why spend $30-$40 on one when you can make your own!!!!

And there you have it. A few of the things that are helping me survive being a mom. :)

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