Out With the Cats

The cats and I were on our daily 'outing' and I decided to take a few pictures.
Gomer enjoys his little jungle area. He likes to lay under the day lilies and watch everything from his hiding place.

Mo is our little shy kitty. But she's certainly vocal. We're never quite sure what she's talking about, though. :)

My flowers have sprouted! But don't ask me what they are--I can't remember.

I love my fern! I've had it for 4 years now and it's still going strong.

Jess+Ben....awwww :)

All Dressed Up

The dresser space I was allotted in our bedroom was less than impressive, looks wise. And since the wood wasn't anything special I opted to paint it instead of staining it. But first, I had to sand it and use a little wood filler.

That's right, I'm rocking the socks and flip flops.

Here's the finished product! Three coats of Dark Granite colored paint. But there's a little surprise when the drawers are pulled out-----

Tah dah! The sides and insides of the drawers are painted Americana blue. Love it!

And the critics are pleased. :)

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday, Ben and I celebrated our first anniversary! And we're still laughing. : )

Bring on year two!!

Trade In

On Tuesday we traded in my trusty Mustang for a more winter reliable vehicle. So I said a tearful goodbye to my favoritest car ever and to driving like a moonshiner....

....and said hello to my new(ish), more responsible looking Ford Escape. It's a great car with nice heated leather seats, low miles, and lots of head room. I think I'll be able to get used to this.

Hideously Pink

There's a reason why our front porch is nothing more than storage space. It's a pink beast!! And I'm determined to change that. Here are a few semi-before pictures for you (I had already begun priming when I remembered to document).

I love beadboarding! But I would prefer it anywhere but the ceiling. It's been a bugger to paint!

I recognize this linoleum....... Oh that's right, it's the same linoleum that was installed on every square inch of the floor in my parents' Victorian house when it was a nursing home many, many decades ago. Must have been popular stuff back in the day. Can't wait to cover it.

The painting is well under way but it's going to be a long process. I'll let you see it when I'm finished! :)

So much to do, good thing for summer!

I may not be employed and my teaching career may be on hold, for the time being, but that doesn't mean I don't have plenty to do!

My summer 'get er done' listy
::complete removal of river rock landscape, replace with bricks and mulch
::seed bald spots on the lawn

::re-stain deck
::install latticework under deck
::paint front porch
::basement walls--fix, cover, paint???
::build backyard patio (ha!)

We've already been working on this list. The riverrock removal began last summer and we finally scooped out the last rocks a few weeks ago. Brick boarder and mulch already installed. :)

The backyard spots have been seeded and we already have happy, green grasslings sprouting!

I am currently working on the front porch, post with pictures to come.

The backyard patio may be out of reach and we're not sure what to do with our pathetic basement walls.

Wish us luck! Anyone want to help?? :)


I'm still working on figuring out all this blog stuff but I'll catch on soon enough!

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